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Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Jamu Herbal Tradisional " Peluntur Lemak ( Turmak ) Sehat Ramping "


Jamu Herbal Tradisional Peluntur Lemak (Turmak) "Sehat  Ramping"
dengan ramuan ekstrak herbal alami tanpa bahan kimia, mengoptimalkan penurunan berat badan dan dapat membakar kalori hingga 66% ( setara 2250 kal....!!)

Untuk pria, wanita dan remaja yang berbadan gemuk, perut besar serta mudah lapar. Jamu ini berkhasiat membantu mengurangi lemak dalam tubuh, menurunkan berat badan, mengurangi kolesterol, mengecilkan perut dan juga baik dikonsumsi wanita sehabis melahirkan. Sehingga badan menjadi sehat , ramping dan padat berisi.
Aman diminum bagi pria, wanita dan remaja tanpa menimbulkan efek samping.

Introducing !!
Traditional herb "Sehat Ramping"

"Sehat Ramping" made of an extract efficacious herbal plants without a mixture of harmful chemical ingredients. "Sehat Ramping" useful to optimalize the decreasing of body weight and it can burn the calorie till 60 % ( equal of 2250 calorie !!)

"Sehat Ramping" suitable for men, woman, and teenagers who have a chubby body and a big eat apetite, because this herb can minimize eat apetite. in addition, this herb can also reduce the level of colesterol (LDL) in the blood. "Sehat Ramping" also good to be consumed by the woman who had given birth, because this herb can make the body feel healthier, slimmer, and curvaceous.

This herb are safe to be consumed by all ages without inflict the side effects.

"Sehat Ramping" available in 2 forms, powder and Pill.

Information and ordering, please call :


0271636160 ( HOTLINE ) / 0271631311 ( FAX )
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